Monday, December 20, 2004

...And A Barbie in a Band-Aid!

Christmas presents wrapped & under tree: 13
Christmas presents wrapped and mailed today: 4
Naked Barbies Hidden in Dresser Drawer: 3
Probability Naked Barbies Will Be Dressed in Homemade Gown by Christmas Morning: 3%
Probability Naked Barbies Will Be Dressed in Dress Bought From Target by Christmas Morning: 35%
Probability Naked Barbies Will Be Dressed in Toilet Tissue and a Bandaid by Christmas Morning: 62%
Estimated Amount of Google Hits Looking for Barbies Dressed in Toilet Tissue and Bandaid: 12

Yeah, that's enough of that. I'm sick, and that's the most funny I got in me. Sorry.

Here's a link from some good folk who have more funny than I do.

Here's a link to make MPH a happy little Scrooge.

And here's a picture of a toilet on wheels:


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